Keith and Jim (headshots)

Our Approach

Our Story

About Jim and Keith

Jim Dunleavy has been a 31 year resident of Teaneck. He is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and is currently  the administrative Director of Rehabilitation Services at Trinitas Regional Medical Center. He has been active for many years in youth sports in Teaneck, especially soccer. Currently he helps direct Topsoccer, the the Special needs Soccer program here in Teaneck  Jim is married for 35 years and he and his wife Mary have 2 daughters who attended Teaneck Public Schools

Keith has been a resident of Teaneck for 11 years, living here with his wife and three children.  He's involved in many aspects of the Township, currently serving as the Vice-Chair of the Teaneck Planning Board, a member of the Parks, Planning and Recreation Advisory Board and a Director on the Board of the Teaneck Swim Club.
[Read more about why Keith is running here]

Meet the Team

Jim and Keith have been volunteering and working for Teaneck residents for years.
Now, they want to make a difference in how the Township functions.  Please take a look at their platform and request information on how you can help elect them on May 8th!

Jim headshot

James Dunleavy

Line 1

May 8th, 2018

VOTE LINES 1 and 2 this May!


Elect Dunleavy and Kaplan
for Town Council

Keith (headshot)

Keith Kaplan

Line 2

May 8th, 2018

Additional information...

Please read our positions on the issues and feel free to ask for more information about issues that are important to you.

Request a lawn sign, host a cottage party or contribute to our campaign by using the link to the right.